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Yoga House on Georgian Bay

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Yoga House on Georgian Bay
Lisa O'Driscoll
3 Thompsons Road
Penetanguishene, Ontario L9M 1L3

705-549-1352 | phone

Payment Methods
Cash Cheque Visa MasterCard Debit Card Gift Certificate
Hours of Operation
Monday:7:00 am - 12:30 pm
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm
Tuesday:7:00 am - 7:30 pm
Wednesday:7:00 am - 8:00 pm
Thursday:5:00 am - 7:30 pm
7:00 am - 12:30 pm
Friday:7:00 am - 12:30 pm
4:30 pm - 6:15 pm
Saturday:8:00 am - 11:00 am
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Class Descriptions

The Yoga House offers a variety of classes to give every student the opportunity to connect with the practice that suits them for that time of day, week or their energy level. You can explore everything that Yoga has to offer from the physical practices that aim to strengthen the body and ease the mind, to practices that develop deep internal awareness. We want to empower you to use what you learn on your mat and bring it into your life.

We want to help you to find your perfect fit. The best way to know if you will resonate with a class or style is to try it out. To make it easier for you to decide on the type of class for you at a given time or day, the following rating may help you choose.

Gentler, beginner friendly class, slower aced, perfect for All Levels

A perfect class if you have some yoga experience or have an active lifestyle.

Suitable for those with previous Yoga experience. Sometimes moving more quickly and intentionally while still focusing on alignment.

Hatha Yoga Level 1

Suitable for beginners and more experienced practitioners alike, this class explores a variety of yoga poses (asana), breathing techniques (pranayama) and meditation (dhyana). Modifications will be provided so that all students work at their own pace and level. Proper alignment and mindful actions of the body can be found through the holding of poses..

Hatha Yoga Level 2

Taking it deeper, this class is designed for those with previous Yoga experience. Sometimes moving more quickly and intentionally while still focusing on alignment. Modifications will be offered and practitioners will also make their own modifications depending on their needs. We continue to explore the poses (asana) and introduce more challenging poses and variations.

Gentle Yoga

This relaxing class explores breath and movement with a slow-moving series of postures allowing the body and mind to absorb the benefits that each posture has to offer. This class is designed to make the many benefits of yoga available to a wide range of physical abilities, including seniors and those managing ongoing health concerns. Students are encouraged to listen to their bodies and participate at a level that energizes and opens the body with ease and comfort. Yoga props such as bolsters, straps and chairs may be utilized by those who need support holding the postures.

Strength and Flow

This class is a perfect way to transition from your workday. We will flow through a series of postures that will develop strength, flexibility and release the body. This is a perfect class for those who have some yoga experience or have an active lifestyle.

De-stress & Refresh

This is a calming evening class to help you unwind and decompress. De-stress & Refresh is a perfect class to move you from your busy day to a calm evening while honouring the energetic levels of the day. You will leave feeling relaxed and renewed in body, mind and spirit.

Get up and Flow/Rise & Shine

This is more of a dynamic morning practice that will help you tap into that special morning vibe. Perfect for those who want to get a jump start on their day, we will start slowly and then move into a flowing practice. It is meant to unravel the stiffness that sleep delivers. Some yoga experience is helpful or an active lifestyle.

Slow Flow

This class allows you to arrive and get past the sleepiness of the morning. We will gently warm up, stretch out stiff muscles and joints and gently energize your body and leave class ready to enter the rest of your weekend with vitality. Slow flow is ideal for those who want to move slowly. No previous yoga experience is necessary.

Focused Class Series

Our Focused Class series are on Wednesday mornings and the anatomical focus of the class changes each week. Some examples of our classes are: Hips & Lower Back, Shoulders & Neck, Balance and Stability, Twists. Core strengthening.


Yin Yoga is a highly beneficial practice that is available to all students at all levels, it is a different type of class than a Hatha Yoga practice but can be a perfect complement to a more active (Yang) practice. It is a time to slow down, cultivate stillness and create space, instead of stretching and stimulating the muscles, Yin yoga focuses on stimulating the connective tissues and joints, improving the flow of Chi or Prana through these areas. This is accomplished through passive holding of specific postures for 3-5 minutes, using the breath to ease the body further into the pose. The postures are generally supported by props to allow you to release into the pose. It is a perfect practice in the morning or as you ease into your evening or bedtime routine.

Introduction To Yoga – 4 Week Series

This 4 week series will help you to build a strong foundation from the start. You will learn yoga sequences and specific warmups to prepare your body for your practice. We will look at the main yoga postures, safe alignment for the body and some breathing techniques. You will also learn how to use yoga props to deepen your experience in the postures. We will finish with a guided relaxation (Savasana) as is done in each class. This class is suitable for beginners or for those who want a refresher on the basics of yoga. If you are a beginner you can also start with our Gentle, De-Stress & Refresh or Level 1 classes.

Yoga For Grief

Yoga for Grief is intended to explore and support you after the death of a loved one, an anticipated death, death of a relationship or any other loss. You will be guided through Grief yoga™ using movement, sound, breath and meditation to help you live with loss.

Sacred Sound Bath

Sitting or lying comfortably while sacred instruments are playing, your mind and body are bathed in healing frequencies. Sound, rhythm and vibration facilitate balance and restoration at the cellular level and gently slow down brain wave activity allowing for a theta or meditative state of relaxation. Melissa Mitchell is a Certified Sound Therapist and will guide us through this healing practice.

Yin Yoga & Yoga Nidra: 2-Hours Workshop

Restore your mind and body and alleviate stress in this 2 hour special class. The first part of the class will be a Yin Yoga practice followed by a Yoga Nidra practice. Yin Yoga is a highly beneficial practice that is available to all students at all levels. It is a different type of class than a Hatha Yoga practice but can be a perfect complement to a more active (Yang) practice. It is a time to slow down, cultivate stillness and create space. Instead of stretching and stimulating the muscles, Yin yoga focuses on stimulating the connective tissues and joints, improving the flow of Chi or Prana through these areas. This is accomplished through passive holding of specific postures for 3-5 minutes, using the breath to ease the body further into the pose.

Yoga Nidra, also called yogic sleep, or sleep with awareness is an ancient practice that induces full-body relaxation and a deep meditative state of consciousness. Resting into an extended savasana and turning all senses inward, you are guided step by step into your journey. As you move into a meditative state, you gradually find yourself in a state of harmony and ultimate relaxation, in which your brainwaves slow down and a subtle bliss emerges. Experience the profound healing on all levels as we rest deeply into ourselves.

Refresh and Restore Yoga

Refresh and Restore Yoga is suitable for all ages and levels. The class will be a mix of gentle postures and stretches, restorative postures and mindful awareness to breath. We incorporate all yoga props to help you relax and find your most comfortable position. This allows the body to gently open to the benefits of the pose, and for you to surrender into relaxation. This is an extremely healing practice and although subtle, its benefits are profound. Ideal for anyone under stress or fatigued, worn down from the busyness of their days, this practice provides the antidote to accumulated stress and strain in the body.

Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra: 2-Hour Class

In our fast-paced world of multitasking, juggling all our responsibilities and challenges, we are in desperate need for stillness, relaxation and time for ourselves. The combined practice of Restorative Yoga & Yoga Nidra is a much-needed break from the hustle of everyday life. Enjoy this 2-hour floor-based class, using props to help us release and relax.

Revitalize the body and restore your nervous system by holding poses supported by the use of props. After you are set up in a pose with your props, you will hold the pose for an extended period. allowing the body to gently open to the benefits of the pose, and for you to surrender into relaxation. This is an extremely healing practice and although subtle, its benefits are profound.

This 2- hour class finishes with a ½ hour Yoga Nidra or Yogic Sleep. You will be guided through a detailed sleep meditation that will allow your mind and body to slip into a deep state of relaxation while still maintaining full consciousness.

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